We believe that God doesn't immerse Himself within the current trends of the culture. God's Word is timeless; it spans across all cultures from all periods to reflect God's truth in all areas of life. That's why we believe church should feel timeless too. Here you'll find a congregation who seeks to worship God in spirit and in truth. Hymns are still sung and the Bible is still preached, not because it's simply "the old-fashioned way", but because God deserves something more than a band concert. He deserves a distinct time in a distinct place for His people to worship Him, and that's the environment that we strive to create; not for our pleasure, but for His glory.
At each service, we take time to praise and worship God through song with hymns that are rich in spiritual truth during our congregational singing. The Word of God is preached clearly and with passion, the end result being a changed heart, a changed life, and a closer relationship with God. We reach out to our community through our Outreach program to bring people to Christ. We also support Missions by giving to missionaries and church planters, both here and around the world. As we each draw closer to the Lord, we each draw closer together as a family.
You will discover many exciting opportunities at Eastside Baptist Church, not simply to find a church, but a home.