Missions Revival 2024


Sunday at 9:45 AM, 10:45 AM & 6:00 PM | Wednesday at 7:00 PM

Missions Revival 2024

It’s hard to believe Missions Revival is almost here again! This is, in my opinion, the most important week on our calendar. It is vitally important to the spiritual health of our church to have a week during which we focus on our primary responsibility - the Great Commission. It’s so easy to become focused on other things far less important than souls. Missions Revival week is a recalibration of what matters the most.

Part of the reason we call it a Missions “Revival” is because we ought to pray for a revival in our church. Not just in the area of missions, but in our spiritual lives. The most important element to a Revival is preparation, and the biggest part of revival preparation is prayer, which is the purpose of this page. Our prayer is that this information will help each of us prepare for the week of Missions Revival so that God can do a mighty work in and through Eastside Baptist Church. 

This is an exciting time and I am looking forward to how God will use it in the life of our church and for His Kingdom!

Pastor Jett

  Missions Revival Booklet